A Surreal Moment on the 520 Bridge
Last week I was driving across the 520 bridge from Seattle to Bellevue. The wind was unreal. You could feel its pressure on the car and the lake looked like an ocean during a storm. Sloshing white caps were flinging spray onto windshields.
Up ahead, maybe 5 cars, a ladder suddenly blew off the top of a truck and landed perpindicular to the roadway. Drivers had to make a split second decision and were choosing to swerve around the ladder in order to avoid an accident. But how long could this go on before someone got hurt?
I checked my rearview mirror and saw I had some room between me and the car behind me. I slowed to a stop and the woman behind slowed as well. I got out of my car (on 520!) and motioned for the other lane of traffic to stop. Once it did I hurried to pick up the ladder and carry it off to the side. I had to go back a few more times to collect smaller pieces that had broken off in the fall.
Someone yelled out a thank you and when I looked back I could see rows and rows of cars lined up on the bridge waiting for me to finish. It was such a surreal moment.
I don't want to toot my own horn because if you read my "Dear Anne" blog below you'll learn that I once got in trouble for tooting my horn. But on the other hand, I am pretty proud of myself! Hopefully I helped save someone from either an accident or just an expensive bill from Les Schwab.