Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Spring Into Seattle Summer with Sugar & Swank

BE made-up at graduation, BE comfortable on vacation, BE adorable at that BBQ

Attend Sugar & Swank's first ever Monthly Training Seminar and learn how to BE Sugar & Swank at any event which you attend this summer

Wednesday, June 6th
1 pm to 3 pm
3418 77th Place SE, Mercer Island

Let Sugar & Swank show you how to fashionably spring into summer

Get the inside scoop on how to update your wardrobe for summer while staying within your budget.

Learn what they're showing for make-up this season and how to incorporate it as your own.

Gain tips on how to effectively protect your face in the summer sun while still looking fabulous.

Be privy to the greatest trick to looking rested and relaxed - even when you're not!

Please forward to friends and family!
- RSVP's Appreciated -

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